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Special Education Support Consultation
(Pre or Post ARD)

Our special education consultants will meet with you to learn about your child, their needs, and the goals you have for them. We will review documentation you have about your child and then help you create a plan to achieve these outcomes in the school setting.

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Individual Education Plans (IEP) & Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) Guidance

Our special education consultants help families understand information on their child’s IEP and/or BIP. We also provide assistance in how to communicate with the school to request services and support.

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Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Meeting Support

Our special education consultants can attend ARD meetings with families to provide support and assist with communication between the family and school personnel.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Brighton Center special education consultants are specialists in interpreting school-based data and applying comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Special Education Law (IDEA, ADA, 504, TEC) to effectively create a detailed plan for meaningful outcomes in the school setting.
  • Part of the consultative process sometimes includes consultant participation in school meetings; however, our consultants do not intercede or speak on behalf of the families we serve. Instead, our special dducation consultants empower families through educating them on their rights and the rights of their children while also facilitating a collaborative relationship with schools.
  • Consultants are specialists in their related field that provide professional advice on how to improve or resolve a situation. An advocate typically represents interests of a person or entity who have a particular cause or policy. However, often these interests can become clouded by emotions and ulterior motives, which lead to unproductive and contentious interactions.
  • Although Brighton Center Education Consultants support the rights of persons of all abilities, including the special education population, we do not consider ourselves as mere advocates. Anyone can be an advocate. What our consultants provide is much more than just advocacy; we educate, empower, and facilitate while maintaining a child-centered process. Our special education consultants let objectivity and data drive this process so that families can focus on building relationships instead of barriers with the school.
  • We initially work with families during an individualized consultation in which the consultant conducts a thorough review and interpretation of all the student’s pertinent documentation, and in tandem with the client/family, formulates a child-centered action plan for addressing parent concerns.
  • Our typical consultations can last between 60-90 minutes, depending on the child’s needs and parent concerns.
  • The parent and special education consultant execute the action items agreed upon in the action plan they co-created during the initial consultation. This may include a consultant participating in a school meeting.
  • In short, no. There are many variables that influence a child’s educational programming that are completely out of the special education consultant’s control. However, through the individualized consultative process, you and your consultant will identify the issues at hand and create a plan for how to effectively mitigate these problems.
  • Although our consultants are well-versed in special education law and due process, we are not attorneys. Due process is often lengthy and requires the attention of a legal professional that can dedicate their time solely on this aspect of the special education process.
  • Yes – Often times, parents and their respective special education consultant will create a plan that includes education consultant participation in a school meeting (ARD meeting, 504 meeting, etc.).
  • The role which your special education consultant will serve is determined during your initial consultation. However, our consultants focus on bridging communication between you and the school. Creating a healthy, collaborative relationship and facilitating communication is our priority when participating in a school-based meeting. In our experience, setting this foundation enhances your partnership with the school and pertinent stakeholders.
  • Your special education consultant will never formally communicate with the school on your behalf. All communication must be conducted between you and the school. However, your consultant may assist or coach you in effective written communication. If needed during a school meeting, the consultant may also assist in effectively communicating your concerns.
  • Consultants are not case managers. If you need assistance with resources not related to your child’s education, the consultant will provide possible resources and options.
  • The initial consultation is FREE; from there each Consultant will provide parents info on next steps if they would like to move forward with our services.
  • The fee for the consultation bundle (3 meetings- consultations pre-ARD, post-ARD, or in ARD attendance) is $150.
  • Financial Assistance is available for those that qualify.
  • A thorough review of all school documentation provided, while also providing on the job training for parents/caregivers to be their child’s best advocate.
  • A special education consultant to listen to your concerns and prioritize the top ones to establish an action plan.
  • Teaching parents/caregivers the soft skills of advocacy throughout the consultative process: effective communication with school staff, problem solving, collaboration.
  • ARD/504, or other school meeting attendance when needed, to help caregivers with learning advocacy skills in real time, and ensuring accountability.
  • Follow up communication to ensure the continued education towards effective advocacy.
  • It will be important for anyone fielding this call to have access and training in Go High Level to search individuals.
  • In the interim, a message can be sent to Juan (SESS Manager) via Teams with individual’s name and email address to be searched; take their info and let them know we will call them back.
  • Our primary service area is Bexar County.
  • Although we can support outside of Bexar County virtually (with the understanding that this will limit school attendance opportunities and may only result in consultation/coaching/mentoring).
  • Most likely, if transferred, no one will be able to answer their phone, so it is best to take down their info and email it to person that it pertains to.
  • If they are current clients, they have already been informed of the importance of emailing their special education consultant and will likely not be calling, or they already know their Education Consultants specific number.
  • If they are not current clients, we encourage them to submit in inquiry.
  • If they are professionals/community partners wanting to speak with someone, it is best to take their info and message it to Juan, SESS Manager.
  • This will occur if they have some sort of legal situation going on. Look for word or phrases like:
    • Due Process
    • Mediation
    • Formal Grievance
    • Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
    • Texas Education Agency (TEA)
    • CPS case open (case by case)
    • Settlement Agreement
  • If parents are already receiving services/support from other advocates/consultants/attorneys, we will not provide services as this is counterproductive.
  • Our special education consultants cannot provide support for these types of situations, and these are all situations that could have us subpoenaed to court, which is what we need to avoid.
  • If someone has a question or would like to clarify their situation, you can take their info and email/Teams it to Juan (SESS Manager).
  • Once they complete whatever legal process they are in, they can receive services from us.
  • Brighton Center is a non-profit organization, and we report demographic information to funders when asked who we serve, and in periodic reports so they know where those funds are being utilized.
  • Brighton Center also collects this information to gain a good picture of the people we serve.

Other SESS Services Available

IEP and Evaluation Reviews 504 Plan Reviews Resource and Program Referrals Support for Parents
Brighton Special Education Support IEP and Evaluation Reviews

Our special education consultants review your child's draft IEP and any evaluation reviews to help you understand what is being recommended.

Brighton Special Education Support 504 Plan Reviews

Our special education consultants can review your child's 504 Plan and ensure that it includes the appropriate accommodations and services needed for your child to participate in the school setting fully.

Brighton Special Education Support Services Resource and Program Referrals

Our team refers parents to community resources as well as other Brighton Center programs that help them and their child get needed support and services.

Brighton Special Education Support Services Support for Parents

Our special education consultants conduct workshops and provide additional resources that can help parents get the necessary information and support they need. We are also great listeners and are always here to support you!