Mark Biegler
Board Chair

Mark Biegler
Board Chair
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- To help support a great cause and staff dedicated to give back to the community. As a parent, I recognize the importance of child development and how meaningful it can be to lend a helping hand to families in need of support.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #LevelingThePlayingField
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I love music… and also have a great voice but my wife and kids never want to hear my singing.
- Brighton Center is...
- an enterprise sharing a common passion to help children and families in need.
Jeremy Bergeron
Vice Chair

Jeremy Bergeron
Vice Chair
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- My family has been blessed in so many ways by the wonderful community of San Antonio. Volunteering and giving back to the community ensures that we share those blessings, opportunities, and experiences with others.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #GoingBeyondPotential
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I have teenage twins with their own unique learning differences, who have been able to excel in school because of programs and services similar to what Brighton offers.
- Brighton Center is...
- a wonderful team passionate about serving families and forever changing lives.
Blake Stribling
Immediate Past President

Blake Stribling
Immediate Past President
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- I'm inspired by and privileged to have the opportunity to support work proven to enable children of all abilities to share their God-given gifts and talents with the world and to empower parents to help their children achieve their potential and dreams. I can't imagine anything more rewarding than being part of that. I am also inspired by the tireless efforts and commitment of the Brighton Center's exceptional Leadership Team and staff.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton
- #brightertomorrows
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you.
- This is the first time I've ever used a hashtag. And I've had two basset hounds named Bill.
- Finish this sentence - Brighton is...
- exactly what children with disabilities or delays and their families need and deserve.
Neena Singh

Neena Singh
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- I fundamentally believe that each child can reach his full potential and become a fulfilled and productive adult able to contribute to the world if he is provided with the right environment. Brighton provides these children with the right environment.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #WeOnlySeeAbilities
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I secretly aspired to be a Bollywood dancer. At the age of 10, I started teaching myself by watching VHS tapes of Bollywood dances and this continued through my 20s. Maybe I will get back to it when my kids are older.
- Brighton Center is...
- hope.
Tammy Freiling

Tammy Freiling
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- I have been blessed by a family that has a passion for serving as well as inspirational mentors. If we are able to positively impact someone else, either by a seed we plant or a seed we water, it is a worthwhile endeavor.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #IgnitingHope
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- Brighton Center is...
- a place where each child finds their own perfect timing.
Brad Flume
Board Member

Brad Flume
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- Growing up in San Antonio schools with learning disabilities, I witnessed my parents navigating the complex process of communicating with the school systems to provide me with opportunities to learn. The support that the Brighton Center offers to parents inspired my passion to contribute to the growth of this charity.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #SupportTheParents
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I raced BMX bikes!
- Brighton Center is...
- the light for families.
Molly Kingore Johnson
Board Member

Molly Kingore Johnson
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- My mother began my lifelong journey in helping others. She was very philanthropic in our small community and I was exposed to many organizations in need as a small child. It inspired me and showed me we can give our talents where and when we can to improve our community as a whole. Everyone has something to contribute.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #BrightonsBrightFuture
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I am an ordained minister (online) and presided over my best friend's wedding.
- Brighton Center is...
- a refuge for families and students during a transitional and confusing part of their education journeys.
Kelly Leddy
Board Member

Kelly Leddy
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- Combining my professional and personal passions and making a difference is very important. I want to participate in things that are “others-focused” and make a community impact. We all have strengths and gifts we are meant to share and volunteering allows me that space to do so.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton
- #familyfocusedtherapy
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you.
- I always hate questions like this. I hate cucumbers. Also, I love to sing but hate Karoke.
- Finish this sentence - Brighton is...
- a place that provides quality therapy, advocacy, and developmental teaching to children and their parents while making a REAL difference!
Lynette Padalecki
Board Member

Lynette Padalecki
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- All children are gifts from God. As parents, we want the best for our children. Brighton does just that - it provides the best for special children and their families. I am privileged to be a part of helping Brighton help others.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #EveryChildMatters
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I am an avid sports fan – love football!!!
- Brighton Center is...
- an amazing group of talented professionals dedicated to making a positive difference in children’s lives.
Danielle Reyes
Board Member

Danielle Reyes
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- I volunteer because relatively small efforts on my part can be life-changing for others.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton.
- #Essential!
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you.
- I graduated from a performing arts school (cello).
- Brighton Center is...
- the key to future success for many delayed and typically-developing children in San Antonio.
Mark Salinas
Board Member

Mark Salinas
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- Raising my son, Noah, who is on the Autism Spectrum, has been the honor of my life. Over the last few years, Brighton Center has poured so much hard work and dedication into Noah, and I want to do my part to make sure that they continue to spread their magic to other families.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #ChangingTheWorld
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I’m a bit of a card shark. Although I don’t play anymore, I’ve always been really good at card games.
- Brighton Center is...
- full of warriors who help families just like mine to conquer mountains that we can’t climb alone.
Jason Smith
Board Member

Jason Smith
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- To honor those that set a good example before me and in turn, to set a good example for my kids to follow.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #MakingAllKidsBetter
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I am from south Louisiana and love to cook Cajun food.
- Brighton Center is...
- an amazing place making all kids better by leveling the playing field.
LeAnn Trejo
Board Member

LeAnn Trejo
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- I love giving back to the community. Volunteering with Brighton allows me to direct my passion around childhood education with a program that’s inclusive of all children. I have seen first-hand what some amazing teachers and providers do with early and consistent intervention for children with all abilities. It’s awe-inspiring!
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton
- #WhereAllKidsShineBRIGHT
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I love a personal cake decorating challenge! While I don’t bake very much anymore, a few special days out of the year my creative juices get going and I enjoy a fun Pinterest challenge!
- Brighton Center is...
- beacon of light and hope for all kids! (Parents included)
Donna Vaughan
Board Member

Donna Vaughan
Board Member
- What inspires you to volunteer?
- During this time in my life, I have the time and opportunity to give back to those organizations that are trying to make the world a better place for others. At Brighton, I am honored to be a part of their mission that offers resources, support and education to help children and families reach their potential in life and learning.
- Create a hashtag to describe Brighton:
- #PassionatePotentialforALL
- Tell us one thing people would be surprised to know about you:
- I used to be shy. Many times, I force myself to introduce myself. I have found that everyone wants to belong and be noticed. Sometimes, you just need to be the person to start the conversation.
- Brighton Center is...
- passionate in their mission to provide the resources and services to parents and children in order to help them live their best life ever.